Crate xlsxwriter[][src]

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Rust binding of libxlsxwriter

** API of this library is not stable. **

Supported Features

  • 100% compatible Excel XLSX files.
  • Full Excel formatting.
  • Merged cells.
  • Autofilters.
  • Data validation and drop down lists.
  • Worksheet PNG/JPEG images.
  • Cell comments.

Coming soon

  • Charts.


Result Image

use xlsxwriter::*;

let workbook = Workbook::new("simple1.xlsx");
let mut format1 = workbook.add_format()

let mut format2 = workbook.add_format()

let mut format3 = workbook.add_format()

let mut sheet1 = workbook.add_worksheet(None)?;
sheet1.write_string(0, 0, "Red text", Some(&format1))?;
sheet1.write_number(0, 1, 20., None)?;
sheet1.write_formula_num(1, 0, "=10+B1", None, 30.)?;
sheet1.merge_range(2, 0, 3, 2, "Hello, world", Some(&format3))?;

sheet1.set_selection(1, 0, 1, 2);

Please read original libxlsxwriter document for description missing functions. Most of this document is based on libxlsxwriter document.


The Chart object represents an Excel chart. It provides functions for adding data series to the chart and for configuring the chart.

Struct to represent a chart fill.

Struct to represent a chart line.

Struct to represent a chart pattern.

Struct to represent an Excel chart data series. This struct is created using the chart.add_series() function. It is used in functions that modify a chart series but the members of the struct aren’t modified directly.

This Format object has the functions and properties that are available for formatting cells in Excel.

Options for modifying images inserted via Worksheet.insert_image_opt().

The Workbook is the main object exposed by the libxlsxwriter library. It represents the entire spreadsheet as you see it in Excel and internally it represents the Excel file as it is written on disk.

The Worksheet object represents an Excel worksheet. It handles operations such as writing data to cells or formatting worksheet layout.


Type Definitions

Integer data type to represent a column value. Equivalent to u16.

Integer data type to represent a row value. Equivalent to u32.